
- The School of Foreign Languages was established on March 31st, 2015 according to Decision No. 714 / QĐ - ĐHCT signed by the Rector of CTU.

- The Head Office of the School and the Offices of the Departments are located at 411 30/4 Street, Hung Loi Ward, Ninh Kieu Dist. Can Tho City.

- The School of Foreign Languages ​​(Can Tho University) was established with staff and lecturers from:

1 / Department of English Teacher Education, School of Education

2 / Department of French Teacher Education, School of Education

3 / Department of English, School of Social Sciences and Humanities

 4 / French Department, School of Social Sciences and Humanities

                   -  The School of Foreign Languages ​​was established with 05 departments:

 1 / Department of English Teaching Methodology

 2 / Department of French Teaching Methodology

 3 / Department of English Language and Culture

 4 / Department of French Language and Culture

 5 / Department of General English and ESP


 a) The School of Foreign Languages ​​is a training unit of CTU with the function of training and teaching undergraduate and postgraduate majors in foreign languages.

 - The School of Foreign Languages ​​is the unit in charge of teaching general foreign language and majored foreign language programs to students of CTU; it is a unit that collaborates with other schools across the university in the implementation of specialized English modules.

 - The School of Foreign Languages ​​is the unit that conducts the foreign language courses for students in graduate programs, collaborates with the School of Graduate Studies to provide language skills training for postgraduate students.

 - The School of Foreign Languages ​​acts as advisor for  the Rectorate Board for decisions on foreign language activities, and participates in workshops and training activities in the field of foreign language education for the cadres and students of the University and the Mekong Delta.

 b) The School of Foreign Languages ​​is a unit that conducts activities to foster the capacity of foreign languages, transfer new knowledge and results of scientific research in foreign languages to people who need.

 c) The School of Foreign Languages makes more efficient use of human resources and facilities of CTU to carry out professional activities related to foreign languages ​​and well connected with social needs.

 Courses and Training offered to:

          - Students, graduate students in Can Tho University

          - Managers and lecturers of universities, colleges, and vocational schools.

          - Teachers from elementary to high schools.

          - High School Students

 Human resources

Current staff includes senior lecturers and lecturers who have degrees and have professional qualifications, have teaching and research experience in the foreign language field of the School of Education, the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, and other units of Can Tho University.

 The foreign language teachers of the School of Foreign Languages have been trained in Vietnam and abroad. They have been trained by experts from the Netherlands, USA, Australia and France for many years. In addition, the School of Foreign Languages ​​will continue to invite foreign experts to train teachers and lecturers when they come to work in the school.

 Since 2011, English teachers and lecturers of the School have participated in many workshops and intensive training courses organized by the National Foreign Languages ​​Project 2020.


Teaching equipment available from the School of Education and the School of Social Sciences and Humanities: 70 cassette players; 32 recorders; projectors, amplifiers; 1 computer lab - Interpreter lab funded by CTU; 4 language learning multimedia labs funded by the National Foreign Language Project 2020.


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School of Foreign Languages

411, 30/4 Street, Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City, Vietnam

Tel:02923.872285 or 02923.872290; Email: