NUS will once again be running the TF LEaRN programme in Academic Year 2020/21 Semester 1 (August to December 2020) and we would like to invite your university to nominate your students to apply for the programme.

About the Programme:

The TF LEaRN Programme @ NUS aims to nurture the next generation of Asian leaders by providing opportunities for cultural exchange, networking, community engagement and leadership development. Selected students will be have the opportunity to take one semester of academic courses in NUS, participate in community service work and take part in TF LEaRN activities such as Learning Journey, Service Leadership Event, Young Asian Leaders Forum etc. Successful applicants will receive S$6,500 from Temasek Foundation International to support their living expenses in Singapore. Refer to this website for more information.

Eligibility Criteria:

Nominated students must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Are undergraduates who completed at least one year of study in their home universities
  • Are studying in their country of citizenship
  • Are in the top 10% of their cohort in academic performance
  • Are fluent in English
  • Are interested in community service and have served in leadership positions
  • Able to fully commit to all aspects of the programme


Nomination/Application Process:




Nomination Sheet 

1 April 2020

Due to the limited places this year, each university is invited to nominate up to 3 students for the TF LEaRN Programme 2020 @ NUS.

Please fill out attached nomination sheet and submit it to by Wednesday, 1 April 2020.

TF LEaRN Programme @ NUS application

10 April 2020

NUS will contact your nominated students directly to submit their application.

Students must upload this list of supporting documents in their application. This list should be scanned in the following order and saved as a single file, are:


   q Latest transcript from the home university

   q Documentary evidence of community service activities

   q Documentary evidence of leadership activities

   q One letter of recommendation by character referees (from professional/academic/extra-curricular background)



Late or incomplete applications received after the stipulated deadlines will not be considered.



Non-graduating Exchange Programme Application

15 April 2020




Students must complete this application in order for us to process their studies at NUS for one semester. If this application is not completed, then their TFI LEaRN Programme application will automatically NOT be considered.


Online application system is open from 21 March to 15 April 2020. Student to submit their application as an Exchange student (applicants are to click on Non-Graduating (NG) Programmmes).

All necessary supporting documents (refer to checklist) should be uploaded to the online application system by 15 April 2020.


·       Each item mentioned above should not exceed 1MB for successful online uploading.

·       Late and incomplete applications might not be processed in time for admission in the respective semester.


Note: Students should use their home university email address instead of their personal email address when submitting their online application.


For more information on the application procedures, please refer to


Useful Links:

Course List: (please note the list of modules for AY2020/21 will be updated in early to mid-March 2020).  Students are advised to request as many relevant courses as possible (up to eight) on their online application to increase their chances of securing the required modules.

Course Restrictions:

NUS Student Exchange Information Sheet:



Application Outcome:

Students will be informed of their application outcome for the TF LEaRN Programme @ NUS by early-May through their email, by which they will need to confirm acceptance of the award within 1 week after receiving the offer.

By mid-June, the Registrar’s Office will notify the students on the outcome of their Non-graduation Exchange Programme application, more specifically on their module (course) selection outcome.


As an additional note, students who are not eventually selected for the TF LEaRN Programme @ NUS will not be eligible to proceed with their application to do an exchange programme at NUS in Semester 1 with a fee waiver. These students may, however, consider to apply for Non-Graduating Non-Exchange which requires them to pay the NUS tuition fees for the semester that they are enrolled at NUS. Alternatively, students may be nominated by their home universities under the AUN-ACTS exchange agreement, which allows students to be nominated through the AUN-ACTS portal to come to NUS for exchange (with tuition waiver) in Semester 2 (Jan-May). However, places for the AUN-ACTS nominations are very limited and therefore very competitive.


A gentle reminder to please send your nominations by 1 April 2020If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

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