Dear Madam/Sir, dear colleague,


on behalf of DAAD’s Regional Office in Hanoi and its director, Mr Stefan Hase-Bergen, this is to draw your attention to an exciting call for business ideas:


The German Business Association (GBA) calls for business ideas by local talents and supports the winning team with VND 240 million this year! Supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Vietnamese German University (VGU) the competition is indeed  a real opportunity for exciting business ideas from and for Vietnam.


To learn more please click here and to find out what the teams presented and reached in 2020 here!

Interested candidates are asked to submit their business ideas to the GBA until July 30th, 2021 – click here to apply>>>


Please address further queries to and do forward this call to interested students!



Thank you very much for your support and kind regards!


Stefan Hase-Bergen and the DAAD-Team Vietnam



Dr. Berndt Tilp
DAAD Information Centre
Deutsches Haus, Office 4.09
33 Le Duan, Ben Nghe, Q.1
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
phone +84 28 6675 2472
mobile +84 83 8270001

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